Release History

Version Date Description
1.3.0 April 16, 2005 Bugfix release
1.2.0 August 24, 2004 Bugfix release
1.1.0 July 10, 2004 First Eclipse 3.0 only release
1.0.1 January 4, 2004 Bugfix release
1.0.0 November 22, 2003 First release

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Release 1.3.0 - April 16, 2005

Type Changes By
fix Fixes compatibility with eclipe 3.1 M6. Fixes 1180501. fgiust
update The 1.3 release is packaged with the new plugin format (a single jar) introduced with eclipse 3.1M6. Note that installing from the updatesite at the moment still unpacks the plugin (it seems that the update feature still doesn't support the new format): if you want to use the new format you have to manually download the distribution zip. fgiust

Release 1.2.0 - August 24, 2004

Type Changes By
fix Generate equals() label incorrect Fixes 989032. fgiust
add Optionally add final to equals and compareTo. (requested by Archimedes Trajano) Fixes 989033. fgiust
fix Added the osgi bundle to the plugin jar (was missing in the build script). This allows the plugin to be activated without restarting eclipse after installation. fgiust
update Reorganized preference page for better readability. fgiust
add Add "implements Comparable" when generating the compareTo method and the class doesn't implement Comparable yet. fgiust

Release 1.1.0 - July 10, 2004

Type Changes By
update Updated to use the new Eclipse 3. 0 API. This version requires Eclipse 3 and will not run on the 2.x series fgiust
fix Generated methods are now properly formatted according user preferences (using the new Eclipse 3 formatter) fgiust
add You can now use wildcards in excluded fields list. (requested by Ludovic Bailly) fgiust
add New option to add an instance equality check to equals() methods (requested by Jay Glanville) fgiust
add i18n and italian translation added fgiust
fix Don't add methods to read only files (previously it ignored file state for right clicks in the editor). fgiust

Release 1.0.1 - January 4, 2004

Type Changes By
fix Boolean javabean properties are now properly included in toString() fgiust
update Commonclipse preference page is now placed in the "Java" category. fgiust
fix Multiple types in the same .java file are handled on editor actions: you can now select inner or non-primary classes in java files. fgiust
update Better check for valid custom ToStringStyle in preferences. fgiust
update Plugin dependencies updated for Eclipse 3.0 M6. fgiust
add Added Eclipse update site for automatic installation. fgiust

Release 1.0.0 - November 22, 2003

Type Changes By
add Commonclipse 1.0.0 released. fgiust