Commonclipse lets you configure different aspects in generateed methods. After installing the plugin you will find a new "Commonclipse" Preference page in "Window"->"Preferences" menu under the "Java" section.
toString type:
ToString style: you can left it blank to use the default implementation, choose one of the available jakarta implementations (ToStringStyle.DEFAULT_STYLE, ToStringStyle.MULTI_LINE_STYLE, ToStringStyle.NO_FIELD_NAMES_STYLE, ToStringStyle.SIMPLE_STYLE) or provide your own ToStringStyle.
Append super in XXX : all the jakarta builders support an "appendSuper()" method to add the superclass implementation to the current method. You can choose to enable it for any of the supported method.
Declare method parameters as final (from version 1.2) : Add "final" to parameters in compareTo and equals() methods.
add an instance equality check to equals()
(from version 1.1) : Add an optional check (
if (this == compared) return true
) to equals. This will speed up comparison when evaluating equals between two pointers to the same
Overwrite existing methods without confirmation : If this option is not selected commonclipse will ask before deleting existing methods.
Fields/properties not included in generated methods : You can add any property you don't want to be included in methods here. For example you can avoid fields defining Loggers or the standard class javabean property (Object#getClass()) to appear in generated toString(). From version 1.1 you can use ? and * wildcards in names.